Tuesday, August 20, 2013

2013-08-20: A Bit Late

  Currently mid August and I have not gotten around to mentioning my pledge before but it is to put together 45 or so Empire halberdiers and start on the painting.  Since as of writing this (while on vacation on the Coast of The Frozen North) I have cut out all of the pieces and cleaned up all of the mold lines (I have scrapped many many empire crotches) this should be doable.  I also have 10 Spiffyswords (aka greatswords) with me that I can also build, but I didn't bring the rest of the unit so I probably wont prime it, just clean them up (and scrape even more empire crotches).

I have pictures of the troops, but I have to get the sd card reader drivers fixed before I can load them.

*edited to add* Here are the pictures of the halberdiers bits (5 of which I had previously cleaned and hot glued to a piece of molding) and the box of Greatswords.

IMG_5903   IMG_5886

The black tray is an insert to a small toolbox that I have been keeping my halberdier trays and bits in as I have been working on them.  Its been very handy to be ale to stop what I am working on and put everything (including sharp X-acto knives) back into the tool box and lock it up when my biggest miniature (my 2.75 year old daughter) needs attention).  Next year I may also plan on bring miniatures to clean up and assemble rather than paint when we go on vacation as this has gone rather well.

Oh, and I sorta kinda still have to finish the K-Nig-Its of Morr and the Bear Riders.  As usual the base coats are on, just the darn fiddly bits to do.