Here are the finished (except for basing) of the cannon, mortar, and their crews.
I am a big fan of the Vallejo flesh wash. I base coat some sort of flesh color and then pick out the highlights with flesh/white mix (or just white). Then I apply the wash. I have found that this is a very quick way to get a very nice flesh effect. Below are the pictures of an artillery man before and after wash:
I decided to put my artillery pieces on round 60mm bases. While I could do some shenanigans with not basing them, I think they will look better based and I also wont have to deal with any questions about mini’s touching in not when in play. The bases arrived yesterday and I will slap them on this weekend.
My Directorate ships are mostly base coated. The gold/bronze is taking a while since I paint those areas brown and then go over with gold and there are lots of fiddly tubing to paint with this color. But I hope that they will be base coated this weekend.
I have to tally up my ogres this weekend and see if I have enough to take the plunge and do the Garagehammer painting challenge. Two challenges at once seems like a lot, but the ogres should paint very fast and I would like an excuse to paint them,
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