I worked in the garden last night instead of painting, but I was able to take a few pictures of the Swordsmen and the Musician+Bear.
I have said earlier, the base coating is taking a while to finish as their are many colors and many fiddly bits. My hope is to get the base coating done soonish, then put in some simple highlights and some quick and dirty washes for shading. Most the shields I hot glued to a piece of wood to allow me to paint them separately. I usually don’t have that foresight or opportunity.
Looking forward I have three options as to what to paint next month.
A) Another Steam Tank!
B) Knights! I want to give most of them cool hoods and scythes in order for them to be Knights of Moor/Knights of the Black Rose.
C) Bears! I have not fallen in love with the new Empire Demigrifs. So I had looked around for an alternative. The Thunderwolf models were a possibility, but they are pricey. I came across these bear toys which I ordered and was very pleased with the size. I like the fact that they are pretty realistic and have a solid pose. The only thing I could wish was for more poses, but oh well.
So readers (reader?), which of the three options should I do?
I vote you gussy the bears up as panserbjørnen.